A spotlight on African opportunity

POSTED: 22nd Oct

Courtesy: exhibitionworld.co.uk 

Let’s start by agreeing that speaking of Africa as a single place is a nonsense. Draw a line from Morocco to Mozambique and you span a continent which can happily absorb the land masses of China, the United States, India and most of Europe with some room to spare. If you don’t believe me, check out the map here.

But, with that ‘health warning’ in mind, we’ll give it a crack anyway. Africa’s almost 1.3 billion people have, of course, been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in many ways like the rest of the world. The fact that the continent’s people are remarkably young – 40% of them are under 15 – has saved them from some of the worst ravages, but vaccination rates remain very low in many countries. So, re-opening has been slow in places.

There’s a lot going on in the world of exhibitions across the continent, however, and we spoke to two people who have a better view than most about where and what is happening. Alexander Angus is managing director – Africa for the Montgomery Group, a company whose business roots in the continent go back over 50 years. “African populations are very resilient,” he commented after returning to London from a visit to the company’s operations in Kenya. Echoing comments that we’ve been hearing from around the world, Angus noted that “most people want to exhibit. There’s a real appetite for exhibiting”.

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