KFE- Hosted Buyer Programme

Hosted Buyers Program

Our hosted buyers program gives an opportunity to do business with leading suppliers in a comfortable and efficient environment. Visiting our exhibition is time-saving, as we organize your stay and create outstanding networking opportunities with top industry professionals. Our appointment system gives you the opportunity to see the products and services supplied by our exhibitors before the exhibition. The program will give you exclusive networking opportunities and the ability to meet with suppliers in your industry that serve the East African market.

Upon qualifying and agreeing to the criteria, we will help organize and fund your travel to the exhibition meaning that all you are giving up is your time.


Why be a hosted buyer?

Being a hosted buyer can be massively beneficial to you and your business. Below are a few benefits but do reach out and we can talk it all through with you.

  • A year’s worth of business in just three days
  • Make the business connections that matter, all in one place.
  • Appointments to suit you
  • Matched meetings – meet the suppliers that are specific to what you need and offer value to your business
  • Exclusive networking and educational conference
  • Have costs in attending covered

What we offer as part of the hosted buyer programme

Flights and Accommodation 

We will cover your travel and stay whilst in Nairobi for KFE. Whilst we can't cover business class travel, our partner hotels are very nice.

VIP Experience

Whilst at the exhibition, you will be treated as a VIP. You will have access to all VIP lounges, fast-track entry, and a goodie bag. Your experience is our top priority.

Travel Allowance

We will take care of all internal travel costs. Whether this is from the airport to the hotel, or to the venue, you won't need to put your hand in your own pocket.

How to apply

Spaces in the Hosted Buyer Program are limited and you can find the application procedure below.

  • There are two ways to become a hosted buyer – you can apply by emailing [email protected] or you may receive an invitation from one of our exhibitors.  
  • If you have received an invite from an exhibitor, complete the form that they’ve sent you and email it back. Once received, the form will be verified by our team, and if approved, you will receive an email.  
  • If your application doesn’t meet our qualifying criteria, we will invite you to register as a standard attendee instead.

How do I qualify as a hosted buyer?

Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies to become part of the hosted buyer programme. Below is an outline of some of the prerequisites. 

  • Your business operates in the East African region i.e., Burundi, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan
  • You are coming to the exhibition with the intent to meet exhibitors and ultimately buy from them
  • You will be at the exhibition in person for each of the three days that the exhibition takes place on
  • You will book and attend appointments with suppliers – we suggest 6 to 8 appointments each day

Hosted buyer appointments

As a hosted buyer, you will have access to our Exhibitor Directory on our website and select those that you wish to make appointments with. If you are unsure about who to meet with then we can help advise and arrange the meetings with you depending on what it is that you are looking for. Additionally, whilst at the exhibition you will have a chance to meet other exhibitors that you may feel can contribute to your business.


Who do I contact if I have any questions about my application? 

If you have any questions regarding your application or if you need to amend your application after it has been submitted, email [email protected]


As an agency buyer, can I invite clients to the exhibition?

Yes you can. Contact [email protected] so we can issue an invitation. 

Enquire about stand at KFE

If you are interested in booking a stand at the Kenyan Food Event then click here and fill in your details. Following this, one of our team will be in touch and can walk and talk you through the process.

Click here